My Growing Family

The trials, the joys, the utter chaos of being a mommy and loving it!

Monday, September 19, 2016

Dear Mommas

Dear Momma,

Hi, you don't know me. We will more than likely never meet. That's ok, we don't need to for me to tell you what I am about to say.

First, I am a mother of 5 in a world that thinks 2 is the right number. I am somewhere between "weird" and "you poor thing". Let me tell you, I may be weird, but that has nothing to do with the number of children I have, and I certainly do not feel like  "you poor thing", in fact, I am blessed. I am so, blessed. There is no part of me that thinks I am anything other than favored by God. These 5 babies are everything I ever wanted. Actually, they are a lot more.

This post is not about family size though. Sorry, to confuse you. No, this post is just about how hard it is to be a momma today.

Can we all admit that it is so hard to be a momma? The amount of information thrown at us on a daily basis through social media, pediatricians, other mothers; I mean, sometimes it just seems like we are drowning is a sea of information.  What is the right decision? What our mommas' say? what the doctors say? what our friends' say? or what our friends' doctors' say?  Because lets be honest, they never all agree, all the time. Maybe, what our neighbors' say? What is it?! Should I cosleep, sleep train, cry it out? Should I give baby food, cereal, do baby led weaning? Formula, breast? Attachment parent? WHAT IS THE RIGHT WAY?!

Can I be honest? I am 7 years and 5 babies into this journey, and I haven't got a clue. That isn't to say that I do not know how to be a mother or don't have an idea how I want to raise my babies. I do. Each of my babies are different though , and I have done things different for each child. There is no one size fits all. We all have opinions. Opinions are like assholes, we all have one. It doesn't make it right. In this over informed world, sometimes our inner mother voices are stifled. Not just stifled, but down right intentionally drown. Intentionally drown? Yes, I think so. I think, with risk of getting to "spiritual", there are forces at work that want us mothers to doubt, second guess, and fail. You know why? We are training the next generation, we are tasked, by God, to raise children that make this world a little better than we did. We are supposed to raise our kids to do and become a little better than us. With each generation we should improve. What better way to destroy a world that longs for hope, than to crush the souls of the people tasked with raising the hope??? Our kids should be lights, they should be hope. If we as mothers doubt ourselves at every turn, if we think of ourselves as failures before we have a chance, then we will pass that on to our babies. We will crush hope. How tricky is our Enemy? He doesn't have to try hard when all he has to do is plant a seed in our own heads saying, " YOU ARE NOT GOOD ENOUGH, YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING, SO AND SO IS SO MUCH BETTER. YOU SHOULD HAVE DONE X,Y, Z."

What a freaking lie the enemy has told us. We can't be perfect. It's impossible. We can do our best and rely on God for the rest. We, as mother's, have to be firm in our own identity in Christ Jesus to affirm Him in our children. We are not solely responsible for our children's future. We have a God to fill in the gaps. We have got to stop comparing and desiring to be more like someone else. YOU are your children's mother, no one else. God knew your children before they were given to you. We are the women meant to parent these children.

I want to encourage mother's to go to the cross. When you feel like you are failing miserably go to our Father. Go to the Cross. The reason this season of our lives is so hard is because we are raising children that can make a difference. They can make the world a little less gray. They can make the world a little brighter. They can save humanity a small act by a small act. They can be world changers. Our enemy DOES NOT want that. He wants this world to be hopeless, depressed, lifeless. He want's to devour us and our world. WE can be world changers by raising our children with out the guilt we are fed in our Facebook newsfeeds. We can raise children with our God given mother's intuition. We can raise our children with other women who also want to make this world better. We have to "encourage one another and build each other up." We have to do this life differently. We have to do this life counter to what the world wants. We are raising game changers. We just have to stand by each other. To admit, "THIS IS THE HARDEST THING I HAVE EVER DONE!" and to still want to walk along side each other. We do not have to have "it" all together. We just have to know God is at the center of this. When our momma friends feel like failures and nothing we say can talk them off the brink of comparison we have to help point them back to Jesus. We need to be a village of mothers (and fathers) that have Christ as our center. If we trust that Jesus is who he said he is we can strengthen each other and raise some babies that will further the Kingdom more than our minds could fathom.

We may only get one shot at this mothering thing. We may make mistakes, even big ones. Thats ok. As long as we are firmly rooted in Jesus we can ask forgiveness and start new each day. Our children will remember we made mistakes, that we hurt their hearts as we navigated the murky waters of parenthood BUT they will also remember what it looked like when we humbly asked for forgiveness. What it looked like when we hit our knees with passion asking God to direct us. They will remember that we were willing to love them so much that we didn't try and do it by ourselves. We didn't think we knew it all. Contrarily they will know that we stood firm in our Father's embrace and we sought redemption and grace and that we extended both those things to our children as well. That is how we do parenting right. That is how we raise compassionate Christ-followers who set this world on fire.

Let's do life together. Let's seek Jesus together. Let's admit we don't know everything. That as long as we are all seeking the face of Jesus and wanting to love our babies as He does then it does not matter if I attachment parent and you don't.

Motherhood in all it's glory is messy, hard, and beautiful.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

It has Been a Minute (and another Kid)

Well my sweet Laurel Jane is now 18 months old and has a 3 month baby brother, Walter John!

My newest squish, baby #5, is amazing. He fits right in. The big kiddos are totally in love. Even my Laurel. I was nervous because she is still a baby and a pretty demanding baby at that. She likes the attention focused on her. She demands it. Turns out she loves this whole big sister thing.

Laurel is constantly coming up to Walter and hugging, patting, and KISSING him big time. She says, "Aw baby, baby, baby!" "Mommy, baby sad. Baby cry!" She likes to make sure he is taken care of. She will even ask to hold him ( by trying to rip him out of my arms lol). She loves shoving his paci in his mouth. She loves staring at him. Don't get me wrong, she is dramatic with her own needs too. She throws tempers. BIG ONES. She shrieks like a pterodactyl. We lovingly refer to us as our Monster. She growls. She has a big personality. She is fiery. She is little. She is fierce. She tells you what she wants and when she is ready to not be the big sis and be the baby again, she lets you know.  She has curly strawberry blond hair. She is amazing. Smart. funny. big imagination. follows around her siblings. daddy's girl. She loves to curl up in his lap for tickles and cuddles. She likes being held. She is amazing.

Back to that squish. He is 12 weeks now. He was my 2vba3c. His birth was hard. So hard. I almost regretted fighting to have a vbac. Weeks later and some perspective, I'm so glad I did. Still healing, but I am getting there. Walter is an angel.  He follows us with his eyes. He responds to everyones voices. He loves Randy singing to him. He smiles and lights up when talked to. He has rolled from back to tummy 2x now. He is strong. We bed share. He loves cuddles. He loves being wrapped and worn. He is a momma's boy. He has man sized farts. Seriously, its ridiculous. He sleeps pretty well at night ( give or take a day or two).  He is tall. He is skinny. Breastfeeding is way hard this go around. We are doing it though. I still love that bond. He was a surprise, an oh so welcome surprise. I couldn't imagine not having five littles.

RandyMan. Oh my sweet boy. He is finishing up kindergarten in the next 3 days! Can you believe that? How???? He is such a wonderful boy. He is such a gift to me. He is a great big brother. Really. He goes above and beyond any normal six year old. He is helpful. He loves me. He has a heart to please. He is kind. He is FAST. That kid can run. Really run. He loves running. He loves soccer. He is so athletic. Competitive. Encouraging. Bosses Robert. Fights with Robert, but still loves him. Its crazy how mean those two can be and then so nice. Boys. Randy asked Jesus to be his forever friend this year! He loves to worship. He sings pretty well actually. His heart towards people and God is amazing. He is gentle and strong. Watching him develop has been one of the most amazing privileges I have had. I receive more compliments about how kind and fast my son is then I can remember. Girls have crush on my baby already! I can not believe that. He looks at peoples heart and not their outward appearance. He is a joy and a pain. He is strong-willed and sensitive. He is a lover and a fighter. He leads threw action and sometimes might. He wants to please God above all.

Robert Arthur. My second boy. My first surprise lol. He is almost done with preschool and soon to be a kindergartener. I am not sure how I am old enough to have two elementary school kids, but here I am. Robert is a goof, through and through. He laughs easily. He is dramatic. SO dramatic. He is thoughtful of his other siblings. If he sees something that they would like he wants to get it for them.  His smile is the brightest thing. He lights up whatever room he is in. Unless, he is sad, then that kid could turn a sunny day into gray. He loves to rhyme things, its part of his silliness. He doesn't take himself to seriously. If he is doing something weird or wrong, or something that just doesn't make sense and you ask him why. He will respond, "oh its just because I am a little Roberty, doing what a Roberty does." Where did I get this kid? I love him so much. He is a good cuddle-er. He gives out big, sloppy kisses. He loves BIG. He does everything BIG. He enjoys all the animals, anywhere, ever. He loves our dog more then any of them. They all love her, but Robert is different. He joined track so he could run with Randy. He loves to tag along with his big brother. He also loves to punch Randy. Its a boy thing, I guess? He talks to Walter in the sweetest ways. Oh and the silly-ness that he has with Laurel turns me to mush. He is playful. Hugs and Kisses are the name of his game. He says things like he sees them, no filter. He is a gift to anyone who meets him and he knows it lol. Robert is also now a Christ-follower. He wants to do what is right. He makes up his own praise and worship songs. He loves telling God how awesome he is. Both he and Randy love to pray and talk to God.

Adeline Lee is 3. She is tall. She is strong. She is SOOOOO beautiful. We are in trouble. She knows she is cute, and she works it. She LOVES dancing. She can play by herself for hours. She loves to make Robert play mom and dad. She is in charge. She knows how to make her brothers cave to her will. Laurel wont bend though. Try as Adie might, she can not get Laurel to give in. That makes her mad and sad. She is also dramatic. Her emotions are very BIG. She is shy. She gets embarrassed easily. She loves tu-tu's and sparkles and fancy shoes. She loves having "girl" hair. She is compassionate. She is gentle. She loves dirt. She owns her daddy. She needs daddy snuggles, NEEDS them. She lights up when daddy is around. She worships Randy. Seriously she looks at that kid like he can do no wrong. She try's to imitate Randy, because he is that cool. She loves to baby talk with Walter and tell him how cute he is. She plays baby with Laurel and teaches her how to be a mom. Adeline wants to be a mom. She always talks about,  "When I have my babies...I will have a lot of babies...I want all girl babies, maybe 1 boy baby....I will nurse my babies...I am going to wrap my babies, like Walter gets wrapped..." So much baby love from that girl. She is motherly in her approach. She likes to make sure everyone is safe. She loves her uncles. This girl just loves the men in her life. She is blessed to have so many good men to love. She also asked Jesus into her heart. She loves "Jesus" music. She loves church. She loves to sing. She is so amazing, I could not have imagined a little girl could melt me the way she does. She has told me she will have a boyfriend, probably Randy though....but maybe not a brother. She is crazy smart. That girl loves to talk and talk. Maybe more than her momma? She is going to pre-school this coming year because she is loosing her playmate Robert to kindergarten and wants to go to school like her big brothers. She is so smart though she maybe bored. She calls all girls anywhere near her age, her friend. She fills over lives with a lot of love.

My hands are heart is full. I am in a busy, beautiful phase of life. I am loving it so much. These kids make me a better person. They give life meaning. They teach me of God's true nature daily. They have help me become less selfish, more giving, more Christ like. I am so grateful I get to be their momma. I like having a big family. I imagine the future so full of love. We will have trials but mostly I think we will have love. My husband and I have a legacy in these kids. I hope that threw them the legacy is one that you can she God's hand directing. That our love of God is evident. I hope to see my kids dig deeper and develop their own faith. That they love bigger and deeper then me. I have so much responsibility with these kids, but I have an amazing support system. I have my husband. Mostly though I have a BIG God who made these kids and loves them more then I.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Now we are six

Our Halloween this past fall was a whole lot sweeter then the usual trick or treat candy you get.
We, Keller's, welcomed our fourth sweet baby and our second GIRL! We were team green until the moment she made her entrance! After an exhausting 38 hour labor I birthed a beautiful 8lb 13oz baby girl! We are over the moon, head over heels in love with our Laurel Jane. It has already been 5 love filled months since her debut. It's like a piece of our family had been missing and we didn't know it until she came and filled the void. 
It is amazing to see how much all of Laurel's siblings are in love with her. Adeline claims that they are best friends. Randy loves to take care of her from diaper changes to rocking her to calm her when she is sad. Robert loves to dought on her; telling her how beautiful she is  and how funny she is and how great her smile is! Needless to say their love for each other makes me beam with pride.
My Laurel is amazing. It is so much fun to watch her grow and develope her own baby personality. She has a smile that would melt the stoniest heart. Her giggle is pure joy. She loves to blow raspberries. She coos. She rolls over both ways. She is also doing this adorable little worm thing as she tries to learn to crawl.
My life is so beyond blessed by these tiny beings that I've been given! 

Friday, February 21, 2014

The Strong Willed Child

I bought the book A Strong Willed Child (and the corresponding work book) a good while back and I am yet to read it. I keep meaning to. I want to. I even think it is important. I mean that is the reason I bought the book, after all! Yet for some reason  I just keep postponing it. I think I am afraid of the convictions I will surely feel about the way I am doing things, I mean I don't beat my children or anything, but I know I am inconsistent and ineffective most days. I am (still) trying to find my parenting style and discipline style. I am desperate to do it in a Godly way, a biblical, a holy way. But I am afraid of seeing my mistakes and realizing just how imperfect I am. It is hard to look in the mirror and see what are your flaws. As christfollowers, and christian parents though, we need to look in that mirror daily. At church this past sunday that is the very topic that was addressed! That we need to use the bible as a mirror showing us what our faults are, not just that though, it also shows us not only are we broken, but we are loved beyond measure. The truth of our brokenness will never out weigh the truth of the love God has for us, children. That is how I want to discipline my children. Knowing it is ok to show them their flaws, (that is what discipling does it shows where we were wrong) but in that same moment I want them to feel the immense love I hold for them. My babies are mine and my responsibility to raise. I fail so often though. I keep trying to do this on my own, thinking that because I love them so much I am going to figure it out. The truth is I don't have to do this by myself. I can utilize the tools God puts before me to help guide me in my choices. I keep crying and wondering what to do when my (Randy) acts out and I get it wrong almost every single time! I am not saying that finally picking up that Dr. Dobson book I bought will solve all my parenting dilemmas but it can only help. I can glean some wisdom from a phycologist, a christfollower, and most important a father who loves his children. I am going to pick that book up and I am going to do that work book. I am going to start reading all the parenting books I have bought and I am going to try and learn something instead of always thinking I have no answers and I am going to have to figure this out on my own!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Dishes won't Clean Themselves

 Other mommas, as I sit here typing this, I am procrastinating cleaning my home, again.
Recently though, I have been bombarded with a slue of momma blogs telling me that I will never regret holding my littles and letting the dirt pile up. These blogs have resonated with me time and time again. I have been reading them and feeling "yes, see it is ok for my home to be messy as long as I am loving my babies well."

[We} are being told that our husbands, friends, other mothers, and neighbors all need to  understand that our home is a mess and that is just the way it is, at this faze of our lives. And it is. Our homes will be lived in, there will be toys, there will be little hand prints and missed cheerios BUT it is not ok let the housework go neglected. Yes, we are mothers, but we are also wives, we are housekeepers. We have a responsibility to teach our children how to multi-task, how to clean up after themselves. It is our jobs to tell them its not ok to live like slobs. That we must take ownership of our possessions, our home, we are stewards of all God has given us and that means taking care to clean our domain. At the end of the day our homes may not look like the cover of a magazine, but we can not let things like: neglected dishes, laundry and kitchen floor sweeping build up. Each day we do nothing it makes it harder to do something the next day, and the next day.
Our kids will of course remember the memories we make and share but they will also remember the state of our homes. Do not buy into the idea that it doesn't matter. It does. I remember how my mother kept our home growing up. It was nice, it was clean and we made great memories and played and made messes but at the end of each of our grand adventures my mother taught us to pick up to take care of what we owned. I appreciate what she taught me. That you can be both a loving, fun, memory making mother AND a housekeeper.  our children WILL remember the way our house made them feel, it will help decided how they care for their families and homes. I want my kids to live in a home where there is love, but there is also responsibility and we clean together. Things do not have to be perfect but let us strive to get our homes in order. Let us not make excuses for why our homes are always dirty. Let us remember it is our jobs to teach our littles and cleaning is something that has to be taught. If you have a baby who always needs to be held ( I do), buy a carrier, put them in a highchair and move the chair around the house with you, give them a rag and some toys to "clean". Involve your children, make it a game, do whatever you have to do to bring some semblance of order to your home. Do not feel bad when you miss a day, or you're sick but do not just neglect doing it because you are to tired or you don't feel it today. We will always be tired, we are mothers. We will never feel like, seriously who enjoys cleaning? But it is our jobs along with making memories.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Robert here lately has been cracking me up!

Robert: Mom, mom!
me: what baby?
robert: My legs! They are SO big! I mean they so big! Why my legs so big? (as he sits in his undies examining his legs) It's because I'm growing up!
like my dad!
me: yes Robert thats it!

2nd convo:

Robert: MOM! LOOK!
Me: at what?
Robert: My dinosaur feet! My feet are just like a dinosaurs!
Me: Um, ok ? That's cool baby?
Robert: I love dinosaur feet!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Five Years of Wedded Bliss {July 26th, 2008 was the date}

On July 26th, Jason Keller and I celebrated 5 years of marriage! Can you believe that? We haven't killed each other yet. Talk about accomplishment. Just kidding, I couldn't fathom a life without him by my side. I need him. He needs me. We're blessed. We have had more then our fair share of trials in our years of marriage: financial crisis (again and again), moving in with my parents, moving out of my parents, 1st apartment, 1st home, 3 kids in 3 1/2 years. We've grown up, we've grown together, we've fallen even deeper into love. I didn't know that was possible, but I've gone from smitten, to love, to a deeper, purer, stand-the-test-of-time love with my husband. Each day I get to love him, I am grateful.

 I am beyond blessed to be your wife. We fight, we yell, we love really well. We learn and grown together with each passing year. Five years has flown, it's been rocky, smooth isn't what we do, but I wouldn't want smooth if it wasn't with you. I am so excited to look back and reflect on the next 5 years, and the next, and the next. Our marriage will last. We will last. God makes us work. It's nice having that glue, that center, that knowledge that we were made for each other. Thank-you babe for sticking by my side through my pain-in-the-butt moments, the ugly moments, the hysterical, irrational moments; and through the beautiful, godly, breathtaking moments like: the birth of each of our perfect gifts, our nights snuggled in bed with 2 boys between us, the daily kisses that despite being pretty much mandatory you still manage to make them feel tender and sweet, and oh so desirable. I love you, I love snuggling, kissing, and everything else. I love being by your side. You ground me, you make me feel secure when everything falls apart. You are my gift, designed by God for me. Amazing. I love you honey.
