Randy is 20 months now, wow! He has learned to jump, where his feet actually leave the ground a bit ( a very small bit) but he is very proud of his skills and shows off often. He also likes to jump off- of things now. For instance, we took him to the pool, and he is always a little shy about swimming. But he discovered the deep end after watching older kids jump off the side into the pool. He likes jumping so he thought he would give it a whirl. Luckily Daddy is quick and was able to catch Randy. Although Randy actually wanted to jump in by himself. So now I can not go by myself to the pool. Randy is just to much of a dare devil and refuses to be contained in one of those flotation devices:) He is one crazy little man. The other thing he loves to jump off now is the armrest of the couch. He jumps from the arms onto the actual seats, after he has taken off all the cushions , so that it is a farther fall. I think he just likes the feeling of falling, because he always cracks up laughing. Unfortunately the love of jumping as brought about a whole new gamma of injuries. He has bitten his tongue more then once, and today he bit his lip pretty good. It's swollen now, and bled a lot. It looked worse then it was though!
In addition to jumping Randy has learned that in order to start our car you need the keys, so he will climb up front while I am buckling his brother in and grab my keys and try and start the ignition. He is too funny because on the key chain there are to black car keys and he still hasn't figured out which goes to which car, much to his dismay.
Also we have been putting him in timeout ALOT lately, that toddler attitude just gets the better of him. Needless to say he understands what timeout is and when I tell him to get in timeout he walks himself over to the "timeout corner" and sits down. He figured out where and what timeout was after 1 time of using it. Now I just have to threaten time out and he usually stops doing whatever it is he shouldn't be doing. I personally think Randy is a genius:)
Now on to Robert. He is now 8 months old and he weighs 23 pounds, only 3 less pounds then big brother Randy. He loves to eat, everything. He is starting to eat what we are eating as long as its cut up small enough. He loves cheerios. He loves Greek yogurt. He is a little iffy on the tofu, but he will eat it. He likes eggs, crackers, and bread. He doesn't really get bread very often though(its really a pretty unhealthy thing in my opinion and should be enjoyed minimally). He has tasted ice cream and cake and of corse he LOVED them. He can now get himself to a sitting position from his back or belly. He rolls everywhere. He tries to crawl, but he is just not there yet. Robert can get on all fours and rock. Beyond that not much. He is pretty close to pulling himself to standing, right now he can only get to his knees. But he is getting there. I am so proud of my chunk. He has ALOT of rolls, I love them. Robert also talks, a lot. I love waking up to his sweet baby laughter.
Randy and Robert play in the mornings before I am quite awake. Randy climbs out of his crib, grabs a couple of toys, throws them in baby bros crib, climbs in, turns on the lights, and they play, and laugh, and sometimes cry. But mostly they laugh and talk to each other in sweet baby jibberish. It melts my heart.
I love being their mom. I miss them even when I know I need a break. I do not like being a way from them for even an hour even when they are driving me a bit bananas.
We are still going through the process of trying to buy a home. We almost bought one and then discovered it had a severe termite infestation. I was broken hearted. But we found an even better home, with a HUGE yard, in a nice neighbor hood, on a quiet dead end street. It's perfect. I am in love with the home. I hope it passes inspection. The inspection will be this coming Wednesday. If all goes well I will have a home on June 21st!!!
My husband has a new job. He is a manager at California Pizza Kitchen. Or at least he will be at the end of something called a DSL Program. DSL=Dining Room Shift Leader. Basically its a manager position with out the pay or benefits. It just makes sure that CPK management is really something you want to do. So we are taking a bit of pay cut for a few weeks but at the end my husband will only have to work one job and will make as much as he is with 2 jobs now. And he will honestly get to spend more time with his family!!!Yay!!!! We are really in a HUGE transition phase as a family, it is a little overwhelming and scary. But Our God is BIG, and He knows what is in store for my little family. So I am choosing not to worry.