My Growing Family

The trials, the joys, the utter chaos of being a mommy and loving it!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Rain, Rain Go Away

It's April. April showers bring May flowers, right?? Well, how about we skip cold showers and just have warm sprinkling rain? So that my boys, Adie and I can go outside without the cold winds and chilling rain! It has been so nice the past few days, I almost thought we would get by with out any more chilly weather. A mom can hope right? But, Tornados and thunderstorms wrecked havoc last night and made for a dreary day today. Oh well, I am grateful that the tornado didn't land by our house. And I do feel terrible for those who's homes were destroyed so I will try and remain positive when stuck in doors. Since today is miserable we are just watching movies. Probably, a bad mommy thing to let happen but this weather is not only making outside damp and gross but it is messing with my sinuses  so I am feeling a PJ and movie day for us, is just what the (momma) doctor ordered!

On a separate note, my brother, Nicholas, will get back from Marine boot camp on April 26!! Woo hoo my boys will finally get to see and play with there Uncle. And my Adie will get to charm her way into his heart just like Randy and Robert did. He (my brother) will make it back just in the nick of time to see my baby girl get dedicated :) So, excited that he will get to be a witness to our commitment to raise Adie to know Jesus, just like he got to be there for the boys dedications.

Also, on my exciting things list is I got a brand new Ergo Sport baby carrier! Bam! So exciting. It's pricy even when getting a deal. So it is an extremely early mothers day gift but man I am obsessed already. So far I've used it in the front and hip carry positions. I don't think Adie is ready for the back carry, maybe in another month. It's red and it is fabulous! I highly recommend getting a baby carrier if you are an expectant mother for the first or the fifth time. They are life savers. I have 3 different types and they are great, but I can already tell the ergo is by far my favorite. I am all about being able to keep baby and mommy happy and wearing your baby is the best way to get in precious bonding time and get the laundry done! Anyway everyone should have a carrier
this is my mei tai carrier.
I was able to have my hands free
as I took my 3 and 2 year olds
on an adventure.
so much nicer for hiking and enjoying all my 

Monday, April 8, 2013

The sweet life

My mother was recently out of town in Spokane, Washington. She got to visit my cousin and her sweet new baby girl. Needless to say my sons missed her termendously. They LOVE their mamaw, like REALLY LOVE. She is the coolest ever to them. Mostly, I think because she is a lot more fun then me, I am boring. Anyway, because they missed her they were invited for a sleep over yesterday. They got back today at 1pm. So the had been away from me since 12pm yesterday till 1pm today! My house was so quiet, too quiet. I hated it, I missed my boys so much. It was boring and I felt lonely with out my toddlers. I love being a mother and I feel like part of me is missing without them being around. It's funny because 1 minute I think I need a brake the next minute I am missing them. Motherhood is funny that way.

Sunshine and Puppy dog tails

Spring fever has hit the Keller household. Thank goodness for warm weather. We have gotten to be outside so much lately! Yeah for sunshine, yeah for spring!!

We have been busy. This weekend we started to put up a fence. Jase dug all the holes and set the poles with quickcrete! Just one more weekend and the project will be complete. What a stress reliever. Now my precious babes can not run into the street! Oh and our dogs can go potty with out being chained!! The pups will love running around the newly fenced yard!

We have chickens now too! Four hens, were trying to be homesteaders. We want to be self sustainable, to rely on what God made, purity. We will see how everything goes but were excited.

We also have a new puppy, her name is Lila. She is beautiful and sweet and the boys are completely enthralled with her. She is a good pup, quick learner. She is black with carmel swirling, she is a pitbull.

Randy is obsessed with being a HERO. He plays super heros everyday, lately he has been into Batman. He is the BOSS in the family, he loves to lead. He cares about others especially his momma. He loves to please me. He loves to snuggle me. He absolutely has to sit on the same side of the car that I do or he has a major brake down, complete with tears and screams. He is learning to count, but he doesn't really get it. He gets frustrated and wants me to do it for him if he forgets a number. He loves reading. Before bed he wants to read a million books. He reminds everyone when it is time for prayers (before eating and sleeping). He loves to say the prayers. He prays about EVERYTHING. It's sweet. He talks about Jesus/God living in our hearts. He requests "Jesus music" in the car. He enjoys church.

Robert. Robert is our special, special boy; we like to say. He lives in his own goofy world. He talks with himself and plays by himself. He loves to make you laugh. He is a parrot. He is OBSESSED with all things Daddy. He and Randy use deodorant now because it's "big boy" stuff, like daddy. He sings about daddy, talks about Daddy, lives and breathes daddy. It is adorable. Robert recently busted his lip, badly. He went to the Urgent Care:( Nothing they could do though so he will just have a scar on his beautiful face now! Ugh, it was scary! There was way to much blood. He is an incredible sweet boy, he and Randy love to tell people, especially mommy and daddy how much they love them. SO Robert will come up to you and look you in the eye declaring, "I love you, in the whole world mommy!!" (meaning more then anything in the whole world). He melts my heart every time I look into his big, beautiful brown eyes. He is a sharer, but you have to ask nicely. If you ask please he will give you the shirt of his back!

My darling Adeline is now 4 months old! Wow! She loves to sit in her jumperoo and play with her toys now. Her dexterity is vastly improving. She has the biggest, sweetest, most heart stopping smile in the whole world. She loves to be talked to, she repondes in smiles and coos galore. She reaches to touch your face when you engage her. She is so long! She is finally getting a little chub on her. She is in the correlating baby clothing sizes for her age, finally. She is 4 months and wears 3-6 month clothing. I was beginning to think she would never grow. I'm pretty sure her eyes are staying blue, win for mommy :) She has beautiful strawberry blond hair with this subtle light blond highlights. Her birth mark still hasn't faded but I'm sure it will, Robert's took about a year. We are still breastfeeding!! YEAH US!! Since I only breastfed the boys 12 weeks and 11 weeks this is HUGE to me!! We are definitely enjoying our breastfeeding relationship and we will be going strong for a while. I am hoping we make it too at least 18 months. Maybe beyond that and into tandem nursing a fourth baby?? Who knows what is in-store for us but right now we are celebrating the small milestones like making it past three months.  :) She is a very easy, mild mannered baby still. She just loves to be snuggled and loved on, which works out because this momma love snuggles and loving!

I'm trying to be more patient with my children (the boys) especially when they are being defiant. I know that they are young and sometimes what they are feeling is hard to explain in words they know and it can overwhelm them and cause tantrums. SO I am trying to put myself in their shoes, and understand their needs. So far I'm not sure that I am doing all that well, But I am trying and I do want to parent with as much grace as possible. I know I'm given grace I don't deserved daily by my Savior, why shouldn't my monkey's be extended the same? I have been in a bit of a house cleaning rut this past week (since Easter). I had been keeping everything up so well and lately I can barely do anything! UGH I need to get my act together and clean up!! Wish me luck because even as I write this I should be cleaning! Oh well there is always tomorrow!