My Growing Family

The trials, the joys, the utter chaos of being a mommy and loving it!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Health Conscience Mama

I love my two little boys more then I could have ever imagined. They are such a gift, seriously, they are my gift my wonderful, perfect gift. So naturally I want the very best for them in life , from the greatest toys, to the best adventures, to awesome health.
I want my sons growing up balanced: Spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically.
All of that starts with me! Whoa, now that is a responsibility, and you know what it's hard. But as a Christian I know that I am reflecting Christ and that is what I want for my boys. And yes Jesus calls us to be conscience of even what we put in our bodies as far as food.
I am learning to be less depended on fast food, processed foods, genetically modified foods(gross) and more dependent on what God created! I am learning so much about the foods he made for us to use! Its awesome how many nutrients are available at our finger tips, and its depressing how much we over process stuff and zap all the nutrients! I do not eat a lot of meat. I prefer a veggie diet. I am not saying my family will never indulge again in a meat filled entree. But what I am saying is that people think they "need" meat; wrong. People eat way more meat then necessary and their bodies have a very difficult time processing it. (which I think causes a whole host of other problems that people would never link to their meat filled diets, but that is a whole other issue) God did give us meat but people do not realize it isn't supposed to dominate your diets (seriously eat some spinach and kale without drenching veggies in butter and salt or cheese) I want a heathy lifestyle for my babies because I care about how long they live and the quality of their lives. Without your veggies( and a ton of them over the recommend amount on the food pyramid) you are more prone to sickness, disease, tiredness, depression, headaches, joint aches, pretty much all human aliments. I strongly believe that most of the common colds, flus, and even cancers can be prevented and in some cases treated and cured by educating yourself about all that God has given us, including plants! Nature has a lot to offer our fragile bodies we just have to get over McDonalds!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I've let my blog slip by the way side

Wow, ok so we are in our house!!!! We moved in the end of July. We have done some major updating! It truly becoming my dream home!! Pictures don't even do all the work and effort we have put into this place any justice!

Both my boys have had their birthday parties here, which I feel were pretty big successes. Randy is now 2 and Robert is 1. If you ask me they are too old. They both have just done so much changing this past year it is totally surreal. Randy has so many words now. He just gets shy so he doesn't use them around very many people yet but he is starting to come out of his shell more each day. Robert believe it our not at age 1, has pretty many words of his own, : me, bye-bye, ball, d0g, doggie, da-da, da-ee( daddy), more, mama, and i ooo u ( i love you). Most of Robert's words are mimics of what his big brother is saying but who cares, he is talking!!! That is just crazy to me! Daddy reigns supreme with my little guys, but thats ok, I think its cute. Boys need their dads and Jason loves his boys so I am happy its mutual :)

Lately I have been really wanting to get healthier, bottom line is I'm lazy and I go the conventional meat and processed gross foods way too often. Today is officially my last day eating meat and gluten. In addition to that two things I'm going to attempt is the giving up of cheese and dairy. I honestly rarely eat dairy as it stands, the hard part is going to be the cheese. I am hoping these lifestyle changes will help my over all health. I have done the vegetarian thing before but this time I am going to try and take it a step further and I am going to look at it as a whole life change not a just " no meat thing". The funny thing about the fact that right now I occasionally eat meat is I will crave it but then it ultimately ends up hurting my stomach and making me feel sick! Why do I do that to my self when there are so many meatless/healthier options out there?! And man I have been eating some very delicious vegan meals here lately! I just need someone to hold me accountable until I make it a habit. I would also love to take a vegan cooking clase. I went to this foodie place today, VegaDeli, and loved it. I saw on their business card they offer cooking classes, I am definitely looking into those. What I put in my body affects my children, i.e. if I eat healthy they will learn to eat healthy and lead a healthy life. I just cant say "oh you have to eat your veggies" and I am not eating enough of mine. So all in all this decision is going to effect my whole family for the better. I am so over the way "America" eats. I do not want to be a mcdonald's eating soda/milk/juice drinking family, gross! So bring on the kale, almond milk, water, and organic apple juice; healthy living here comes the Kellers!