My Growing Family

The trials, the joys, the utter chaos of being a mommy and loving it!

Monday, July 25, 2011


Ahhh, today was supposed to be my closing date but it is postponed until friday! The is a rusted vent "t" pipe by the furnace so the gas company would not turn the gas on and it is the sellers responsibility to complete the repair so we wait, until friday so that I have hot water and a working stove! I mean in my opinion hot water and a stove are over rated commodities. Who needs warm water to shower and microwaves work just fine for cooking right? Just kidding but this side step is putting a little damper on my attitude this week. It is making me a tad dare I say crabby? Which is actually ironic because yesterday church was about attitudes and how Joy and behaving with joy was an active choice and that despite circumstances being bad that people can still be joyous. So starting right now, as I write this, I am choosing JOY! There crabbiness averted. Regardless wether it is today or friday, I HAVE A HOUSE! And that is a HUGE blessing and God is really making provisions for our family! Wow, God, you are pretty AWESOME!

Now on to the most important matters: Updates on my beautiful, wonderful baby boys.

Robert is 9 months old, he thinks he is 2 years old. He stands independently and walks around the house while holding on to furniture. He can walk between two very closely placed pieces of furniture. He always wants to play with bigger children and he always wants to play with the older toys. He refuses to be a baby. I mean even his attitude and the way he interacts these past few weeks has been so mature...way beyond 9 months. I think Robert is so used to being around Randy and playing with his big brother and watching all the cool things he can do and the fact that they are almost the same size makes Robert think he is older then he is lol! Robert is still toothless much to his dismay because he wants to eat apples and such and can't with out teeth!

Randy is now 21 months old he is saying more and more words everyday! "Mine" is the currant favorite but he also says, "Chanch-choo", "peez", "bay-bay", "bro-dur", "pee-pee", " I no wan", "Dora", "Dego"(which is the show Diego) "bug", "ball", "boo-bie". He loves watching cartoons now too. He sits intently on his chair and watches Diego, Dora, sesame street, word world and some other PBS shows. He wakes up and asks " DOra?" We really have to limit his TV time because he likes it so much. Which is funny to me because a few months ago he couldn't even sit through one show without getting really bored. Randy got to try out the pre-school room at church on Sunday. Which I thought he would love. He didn't, he wanted his brother. So the nursery workers had to rearrange their staff so that they had the proper adult/baby ratio just so Randy could go to the baby room with his baby brother. Maybe he will be Ready after he turns 2! But he really does love being around his baby brother Robert. Randy is very protective of bro-dure.

There is so much that has changed in such a short amount of time it is hard to keep up with all the growth spurts my boys are going through!

Thursday, July 14, 2011


At last the Keller's have found their home! We close on July 25th, the day before my anniversary! What a wonderful gift, to have a place to call your own, to call home! I am so excited to begin making the house my home! Oh the ideas I have for this place, some long term, some immediate! I just want to sink my teeth into some projects! This house is wonderful though because it is move-in ready so there is nothing that HAS to be done, just stuff I want to do. Which is nice because repairs=money and its nice spending money because you want to not because you have to to make some place livable!

Here are some pictures I have taken of our wonderful little home. I think its perfect! It is 1386 sq feet of wonderful living space with a nice back yard and walk across the street and you are at McNair park! What more could I want??!!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Life is Hectic

We have been going through some crazy changes here lately, as a family. It is a very challenging season for us financially, emotionally, and well mentally. Right now we are without any medical benefits for the first time since we have been married. And my son Robert is supposed to have his 9mo check up next week. My boys pediatrician said I can call their business office this tuesday to see what my options are! Im sure the options are expensive and more expensive! Agh, I am a little stressed.

My sweet husband works so hard to take care of our family but right now it feels like we are spinning our wheels.

Jason has some really good job opportunities though so we are just praying they come through sooner then later. Regardless I am so blessed to have a husband who is so willing to do whatever it takes to make sure that his wife and sons are well provided for. I know that God knows what is going on and He will provide what our family needs. SO I'm trying not to get too concerned with the present challenges.
On much more positive notes. Our boys are growing by leaps and bounds and they are learnig and exploring new things everyday. Our baby, Robert, is crawling and standing now! I feel like I just had him and he is already so big! Our man, Randy, is starting to develop his vocabulary. Amongst his new favorite words now is, "Uh-Oh", "NO", "I don't know", and "outside?". "Uh-oh" is primarily used when he intentionally does something wrong, like hit his brother and he knows he is going to get in trouble or if he throws something on the ground that he shouldn' his dinner :). He says "I don't know" when we ask him a question about why he did something wrong. Example, "why did you push your brother?", looks at us with a completely innocent bewildered face and says" I dont know." and " NO" is of course when you does not feel like listening, typical toddler lol. And he loves to go outside...or bye-bye.
Robert, being only nine months has a very limited verbal capability. So he pretty much only says "Da-da" because dada is his FAVORITE. I swear since Robert, Randy, and I had rsv awhile back and Jason stayed up for 2weeks with Robert at night, taking care of him, those to have been inseparable. Nothing like an awesome daddy!

We are on round 3 with the house hunting. It's this house our bust as far as I am concerned! No more foreclosures for us, this one is seller owned and is coming with a home warranty! We are just waiting for an updated preapprovel! I really hate waiting. But if we qualify for the larger loan amount we should be moving in a few short weeks!! Yeah!! A back yard, more space and living across from an awesome park would be wonderful. SO here is to "3rd times a charm"!