My Growing Family

The trials, the joys, the utter chaos of being a mommy and loving it!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

My Life with Three (kiddos)

Whew, I can not seem to keep up with my duties. The last month of pregnancy was really hard on me and everything fell behind. The house, the chores, feeding my children healthfully. I mean everything. Adie is 6weeks today and I am just now starting to feel enough energy to cook and (sorta) clean. The catch is everything is so gross it overwhelms me and I don't want to do anything. SO I look around and I want to clean but then I start to get into it and there is just SO much to do it freaks me out and I stop cleaning. That of course is a poor response to messiness because the house just gets messier AGH! So to night I am trying to enlist the help of my 3 and 2 year old boys (while wearing their sister) in the cleaning, they get bored quickly though lol. Oh well. It will get done. eventually!

We are back to trying to eat the way God would want us too, with conscience-ness. We need to look at everything we put in our bodies, we are quite literally what we eat. We are so far from where we want to be on the health scale but we are working on it. At least my boys will eat almost anything we give them, especially their broccoli!

The boys are restless lately, we are stuck at home, indoors most days and I am not a very creative momma on how to keep them entertained, boo. So most days we watch hours of Dora, Diego, and dinosaur movies. Like right now, they are watching Dora. Talk about Mommy guilt yet I do nothing to remedy the situation. Like I said I am just now feeling up for tasks so hopefully the hours of television for this season of our lives will not do any permeant damage. I hope to be more organized with getting the boys away from the television by the time Adie is 8 weeks. Wish me luck. Hopefully their brains haven't rotted by then :(

All About Randy:
- He weighs 36lb now
- He is so affectionate--he loves to snuggle, give kisses at random and on request
-He is an amazing big brother
-He cares about peoples feelings
- He has been pretty mean to his baby bro though
-He demands Roberts attention
-He loves to play with Robert ( but insists they play his way)
- He loves sleeping in mommy and daddy's bed
-he will only nap with me
-he wants to hold his sister constantly
-he gets into everything and then profusely apologizes and then does it again
-He is strong willed, really strong willed
- He is helpful
- He got a blanket for christmas. One side is orange, one side blue with cars. He loves that blanket but will only sleep with the blue side touching him!
-He likes balls, cars, and action figures
-He loves the ladies, they are all his girlfriends if he finds them "pitty" (pretty)

All About Robert:
-He weighs 32lb
-He is a a big boy, built like a tank
-He loves to "'mile" for pictures
-He loves to take pictures
-He knows how to work an iphone, kindle fire and the remote for the TV. CRAZY.
-He loves dora and deigo and repeats what the say.
- He will walk around the house saying random spanish phrases from his TV shows
-He is scared of masks and most costumes. Like the chic-fil-a cow. That terrifies him!
- He likes his "babies"
-He is a big baby always trying to get Randy in trouble
- He loves to eat. Anything food or toys or dirt. ANYTHNG.
-He is scared of the dark.
- He can use a spoon and fork better then his big bro
-He loves his sissy but gets bored of her quickly
- He randomly will hit Randy, hard. Presumably for Randy's previous grievances against him.
-He is always saying: "You my mommy/daddy/mamaw/papaw" because he loves us
-When asked for hugs/kisses he plays hard to get

 What a good brother

 robert and mommy cheesin'

Warm day in January. Praise God for random days to burn energy.

Randy choose this outfit for his sister. He loves her.

Sweet baby getting clean

Two of the three of my boys PASSED OUT:)

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Our Darling Daughter Adeline Is Here

I am way to sporadic with my blog, oh well.

Our sweet little girl arrived 5 weeks ago now. Crazy. She was 4 weeks earlier than her due date, and 3 weeks before her scheduled c-section. She wanted out out of there I guess.
Her delivery was hard. I had my 3rd C-section. So much scarring, it hurt more moving around this time. She had her cord tied every which way around her. It caused a ton of bruising.  Her one arm was so tied up, it had no circulation. Scary. We didn't know if she'd be able to use it. She can, praise God. She had to stay in the NICU. I hated it, it started our breastfeeding journey off the hard way. 6 days after delivery she was home with us! Another hard part of he birth was finding out we can't have any more children. I have to much scarring and other issues so it makes having another babe dangerous. That totally brakes my heart, we wanted four babes. I love having children. I know I was meant to be a momma and I wanted a HUGE family. I am still processing that information. I guess we will figure out what God has in store for us later. Right now we are just focusing on enjoying our 3 babes!

She is beautiful, I mean absolutely perfect. She is little, a lot smaller than her brothers. But she was early and only born at 6lb 5oz. TINY. She is over 7lbs now though! Yeah for breastfeeding. She has made it through two rounds of sickness in our house with out catching any of it. Another, yeah for breastfeeding. It amazes me how awesome the antibodies (basically a perfect form of immune boosters) in breast milk are, way to go God on that design :) She sleeps well, really well like 4-6 hours straight at night! God is looking out for me with that since her brothers 3 and 2 are BUSY!!! I need all the rest I can get.

Randy is an AMAZING big brother. He is obsessed with his sissy! He loves her and is always talking about how pretty and beautiful she is. He likes to help with dipers changes, picking out her clothes, comforting her and he even tries to help her with breastfeeding lol. He loves holding her and starring at her and telling me God made sissy a girl, he is so funny.

Robert loves sissy too. He gets board more easily though. He wants to hold her, but as soon as you put her in his arms he hugs her and says "I done". Too funny. He hates when she cries though. He says "Sissy, no cry. It ok!!" And he always thinks she needs lotions so she 'mell good!

Daddy loves his little girl too. She looks SOOO small in his arms. It's cute, he looks like her big strong protector. I feel like when he holds her no danger could ever befall her. And our God is even bigger and loves her (and my boys) even more then we do and watching Jase hold her reminds me of our Daddy Gods BIGNESS. Our love is so small compared to His and that is comforting knowing He is watching over our sweet gifts too. Jason didn't really think Adie liked him that much, because she would fuss there for a while when he held her. Not so much any more, she loves her daddy snuggles! If she fusses for me he calms her down, its sweet. I love watching him with all our kiddos but there is something so sweet about a Daddy and daughter. I am looking forward to watching there relationship grow.

The boys are HUGE now. At least thats how it seems since we brought Adie home. They are getting better and better with their pronunciation of words. They are so strong. I honestly believe that they are extremely intelligent, they are great problem solvers!! They still aren't potty trained though :( I am not sure when that will happen. Hopefully they will express desire soon. I'm not a fan of changing three kids dipers!! Oh well they are sweet!

I am trying to get used to being a momma of 3 babies who all need to feel equally loved by me. RESPONSIBILITY! I also need to figure out how other moms keeps there house cleaned and children loved??? It is a learning process but man do I love being their momma! Blessed for sure!