I want my sons growing up balanced: Spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically.
All of that starts with me! Whoa, now that is a responsibility, and you know what it's hard. But as a Christian I know that I am reflecting Christ and that is what I want for my boys. And yes Jesus calls us to be conscience of even what we put in our bodies as far as food.
I am learning to be less depended on fast food, processed foods, genetically modified foods(gross) and more dependent on what God created! I am learning so much about the foods he made for us to use! Its awesome how many nutrients are available at our finger tips, and its depressing how much we over process stuff and zap all the nutrients! I do not eat a lot of meat. I prefer a veggie diet. I am not saying my family will never indulge again in a meat filled entree. But what I am saying is that people think they "need" meat; wrong. People eat way more meat then necessary and their bodies have a very difficult time processing it. (which I think causes a whole host of other problems that people would never link to their meat filled diets, but that is a whole other issue) God did give us meat but people do not realize it isn't supposed to dominate your diets (seriously eat some spinach and kale without drenching veggies in butter and salt or cheese) I want a heathy lifestyle for my babies because I care about how long they live and the quality of their lives. Without your veggies( and a ton of them over the recommend amount on the food pyramid) you are more prone to sickness, disease, tiredness, depression, headaches, joint aches, pretty much all human aliments. I strongly believe that most of the common colds, flus, and even cancers can be prevented and in some cases treated and cured by educating yourself about all that God has given us, including plants! Nature has a lot to offer our fragile bodies we just have to get over McDonalds!