Randy is now 2 1/2! I can't believe it! It has literally flown by.
He loves to play with cars. He thinks trains are really cool. He is most content outside running around and digging in the dirt. He plays well with others. He is all boy the dirtier and messier the better! He is a good big brother. He loves animals. His favorite is our cat Bill (the love is not reciprocated). He is obsessed with Dora the explorer, Cars, and The Lion King. He loves to growl like a lion. He thinks he is BIG, not a baby
He speaks in full on sentences. Its ridiculous.
He says things like:
"I big as Daddy, I not little."
" I want wa-ter. Pees."
" I not being rue (rude)."
"You NO spank him (referring to baby brother being in trouble)!"
" I looooovvvee you mommy/daddy/ma-ma/paw-paw/ braw-der (brother)"
"Those mean dine-sores"-when we watch land before time
" I no want do that"
"Braw-der, I said COME HERE. I want you here NOW braw-der!"
"Mommy, braw-der doing no-no!"
"I want DORA!"
And he say much more but those are the most prominent sayings in our house right now!
Robert is now 1 1/2! And he is so big. He weighs 30lbs. He thinks he can do everything Randy can. He still has the baby chub. He is incredibly silly with his facial expressions. He has so many different faces you know exactly what he is thinking by looking at his face, it tells the whole story. He climbs, alot, but has a hard time getting back down. He smiles ALL the time. And his laughter is infectious. He speaks in sentences as well.
"WAW-der. Pees."
" I want Cra-ker.Pees."
"Bess you!"
"I want dora!"
"I love you!"
And a host of other sentences.
My boys are growing leaps and bounds and I just want to cherish every little thing they do. They are such a tremendous blessing from God.