My Growing Family

The trials, the joys, the utter chaos of being a mommy and loving it!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Six weeks flies

Tomorrow my son is six weeks old. I find that completely unimaginable because he still seems so new to me and I am still learning so much about him. That has not stopped him from already growing and changing though, he has recently started opening his little hands and grasping at me mostly, but other things as well. He especially uses his hands when nursing as if to say" Mama, I'm guna be hear for awhile because I am STARVING!" He is truly the most amazing gift I have ever been given second to my husband of course! Randy already has complete head control and uses it frequently, he is sooo inquisitive about the world he loves to just stare at nothing or anything. He also is starting to learn to smile in response to things, not just as a baby reflex. He smiles when he is kissed, he really loves kisses because his gummy grin is from ear to ear when you kiss him really fast repeatedly! It almost looks like he is laughing! I feel like Randy has already passed so many milestones and I just want him to pause and stay little awhile longer but he is ready to conquer the world, he tries to crawl now too; and he gets so frustrated if he cant get anywhere, it is precious. Randy's daddy loves playing super baby with him because having that "flying" vantage point really seems to entertain our baby boy.

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