I saw this on my friend Kristin Eldridge's blog so I clicked the link: ^ And I loved the idea. I am always complaining to my husband that I do not have enough photos of me with our babies for various reasons. Needless to say it makes me sad. For example my first Mother's Day I have one photo with my son Randy but I have plenty of photos of him with his Grandma's and everyone else that hung out that day but 1 with me :( Another example is when Randy was born the photographers come and take infant photos but I refused to take part because I felt like crap. I hadn't taken a shower after having been in labor for 22 hours and ending in an emergency c-section. So, I have beautiful photo's of my husband Jason with our beautiful baby Randy (even though he looked a little scruffy) the photos were amazing and I wish so desperately that even though I hadn't felt beautiful that I would have joined in! I so regret not being in that photo shoot especially since just one year later I got in photo's with our second son Robert and although I don't look perfect I absolutely love the photos! So those past regrets have inspired me to participate in the photo challenge! Check back in for the imperfect but necessary photos!!!
Good for you Jamie girl!You are so much more than skin, your eyes dance with light!Even on your bad days your beautiful!