I'm late, I'm late! For a very important date. My sweet Adeline turned six months a week and a half ago already! Wow, that was fast!
-She is still petite.
- She rolls over; both ways.
-She sits on her own for brief periods of time.
-She reaches for me to pick her up.
- She pinches me while she falls asleep in my arms, just to let me know I better not put her down.
- She touches my face as she nurses and looks into my eyes.
- When she smiles her whole body wiggles.
- Still co-sleeping. She wouldn't have it any other way. :)
- Loves her brothers. They make her happy.
- She prefers the big boy toys to her "baby" toys. Action heros taste better.
- Still not really eating solids. We're taking our time.
Now, about that broken leg business. My Robert slipped and fell on some water in our kitchen while being chased by his puppy, Lila. His femur suffered the injury. He spiral fractured the hardest bone in his body! It was one of the hardest things I have ever, EVER, had to got through. To watch your baby suffer and know there is nothing you can do to fix the problem is horrible. He ended up having surgery at Cardinal Glennon Hospital and after a one night stay he was released on pain meds. He did amazingly well. All of the nurses were so impressed with his ability to manage the pain. They said most kids screamed more and required a lot more narcotics. My baby is tough, what can I say?
It broke his daddy's heart to see his buddy go through something so traumatic. A couple of nights after we came home from the hospital Jase got off work and came home around 10pm. Usually, the boys are still awake when their daddy comes home (no matter how late) they can't fall asleep with out their daddy lovin's. So per the usual for a brief moment my husband got excited and prepared to be tackled by Randy and his Robert. When he walked through our front door, nothing. Robert wasn't coming to greet him. Robert was stuck in bed with a broken femur. My husband felt devastated for Robert all over again. Those first few days were pretty emotional raw. Fortunately 2 year olds are resilient Even as I type this Robert is crawling around and in terrific spirits. No broken leg is going to hold my 2 year old back. He has a doctor appointment this friday, if were super lucky he will get the cast removed. But more then likely it will be another 2 weeks.

See a Robert just hanging out like nothing happened. What a trooper.
There are so many things to update about I'll post more later :)