I followed a link from here and ended up at this pin after searching around the site. I had never heard of pintrest before, but I think I like it and all the pins. So I might just give it a try!
Anyway I really liked this pin because I am constantly trying to love my children better. They are my whole world and I want them to always know how much mommy loves them. I want them to have the fondest memories of a childhood spent at home with mommy exploring, learning, and loving each other.
My boys are my gift and I do not know what I would be with out them in my life.
Speaking of my boys my son Randy has been saying Hi to everyone and everything lately. He says HI to trees, dogs, cats, other children, adults, rocks, you name it he says Hi to it. It seriously melts my heart and it makes me wish that the trees could say Hi back because he is always eagerly awaiting a response. For that matter I wish I could just get all the people he says Hi to, to notice him and engage him. I find myself sad-end when adults or even children don't notice Randy when he is beaming his beautiful Randy smile at them and wanting so desperately to be noticed and talked to. It is so amazing to me that at such a young age he can already desire to be noticed and loved by people. His need to be loved is just a reminder to me to constantly remind him of God's HUGE love for him and even when he feels like no one is saying "Hi "back, that God is noticing him and that Jesus will always engage with him and walk with him. I am so grateful that I serve a God who loves my children even more passionately then I do.
Besides the constant Hi's these days though Randy is becoming more demonstrative. He still has not really decided to start talking but he is definitely developing his facial expressions to let you know just what is up! I thought he had the funniest faces before and he has always had sooo many "looks" but he has just taken them to a whole new level. I can hardly keep a straight face these day's because his range of emotions changes so quickly and so do the faces that go along with the emotions and most of them are so intense and so sincere but they are so funny because the things he gets so angry over are so small to me. I really have to look away to keep from wounding his feelings and making him feel like I don't care. He is so cute, even in his temper tantrums (all though I would prefer he threw a few less a day!)
Now on to my Robert. He just keeps growing and growing physically and personality. He is so interactive and he trys to play already with his big brother and mommy and daddy. He loves to jump and sit on the couch just having "conversation". His eyes smile all the time. He wakes up happy, he goes to bed happy. Honestly he is all around a pretty happy guy. He just turned six months and already he is wearing 12mo clothing. He is so big it blows my mind. And he is pretty stinkin' strong as well. I was literally crying though yesterday because I can not believe he is 6mo already, I mean I seriously just had him and I haven't even lost the baby weight yet and he is half way to one? I mean my mind can seriously not fathom that! I am just waiting to see when he starts crawling, he wants to move!
I am really ready to get out of our apartment home , and move out of state, California, Florida, or stay in St.Louis and get our first home. I am trying to be patient ( something that definitely does not come naturally to me) and listen to God and follow Him. But really I want God to work on my terms! Ugh why am I so bad and being content? I will be fine even if I am in this apartment for another year as long as I have my family, I just need to remember God's plans for my future are bigger and better then mine ;) I just hope they include some sort of house with a back yard and a playroom! Also, I am praying my husband gets this really cool job opportunity and is happy in

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