My Growing Family

The trials, the joys, the utter chaos of being a mommy and loving it!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Instead of Flowers, he picks leaves

My sweet boy Randy likes to give me "surprises". Generally he will walk around outside and pick out the best leaf and run over to me with a big ol' grin of pride and hand it to me! I can not put it down or he gets insulted and just picks it right back up and hands it to me. Eventually he gets side tracked and moves on but every now and then he will come back to me and look to see if I am still holding his "gift" I used to just put them back outside after the first 10 minutes until I realized that even up to an hour later he remember giving me the leaf and would look to see where I put it, if I was still holding on to it. And if the leaf is no where to be found he honestly looks hurt. So, now I keep them the entire day; so he knows I value whatever gift his toddler heart wants to give me. If he thinks a leaf is beautiful and worth giving, then I his mother should find the gift equally as beautiful and at least hold on to it for a full 24 hours or until it crumbles (which ever comes first). He loves me and that is why he gives me leaves, and you know what I find it utterly adorable that he even thinks of me when he is adventuring in the great outdoors! I never want him to think his gifts are of no value to me, because that could damage his heart. So I will continue to embrace the toddler gifts and thank him for each new leaf I receive. Thank you God for the innocence and sweetness that you have placed in my baby boy and help me to cultivate that and never crush it! I love my Randyman!

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