Life As A Keller. Loving every little moment given by God to enjoy my little blessings.
My Growing Family
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Playdate Fun
Also I think my baby Randy enjoyed his new found friend Carter, despite the fact that they had a slight disagreement on who got Kristin. Carter felt like she was his, since after all Kristin is his mom. And Randy thought since she was in his house her lap and book reading services were at his disposal. All and all though I was very pleased with the way the 2 one year old's interacted and played together. Randy does not always have very many opportunities to play with other children and as a result I am always worrying about his social development. He did good though and so did Carter. I think it would be fun to do this to further Randy's development and learning, if only it were a little cheaper, oh well :( maybe we will still do it! Play/learning is so important as well as social interactions...we will see!
Saturday, March 26, 2011
The trial of being a Mommy: Poop happens!
I know that there are going to be plenty of trying moments on this crazy road of Mommyhood, so I am so so so grateful that I have a God that joins me in the messiness and helps calm me when I just want to scream (which of course sometimes I still do).That huge mess was just a reminder to me that I am not doing life by myself and that God isn't afraid of a little "poop", He will help me clean it up!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Mommy and Me (and maybe a few with daddy)

I saw this on my friend Kristin Eldridge's blog so I clicked the link: ^ And I loved the idea. I am always complaining to my husband that I do not have enough photos of me with our babies for various reasons. Needless to say it makes me sad. For example my first Mother's Day I have one photo with my son Randy but I have plenty of photos of him with his Grandma's and everyone else that hung out that day but 1 with me :( Another example is when Randy was born the photographers come and take infant photos but I refused to take part because I felt like crap. I hadn't taken a shower after having been in labor for 22 hours and ending in an emergency c-section. So, I have beautiful photo's of my husband Jason with our beautiful baby Randy (even though he looked a little scruffy) the photos were amazing and I wish so desperately that even though I hadn't felt beautiful that I would have joined in! I so regret not being in that photo shoot especially since just one year later I got in photo's with our second son Robert and although I don't look perfect I absolutely love the photos! So those past regrets have inspired me to participate in the photo challenge! Check back in for the imperfect but necessary photos!!!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Bubble Party
I needed to accomplish some cleaning today so I looked up some activities for toddlers on BabyCenter and this is what I came up with Bubble Time. I filled the sink with tons of bubbles and then scooped out the bubbles and tossed them on my kitchen floor. Then gave Randy a couple of spatulas and Tupperware containers and let him roll around in the bubbles and splash around in them! He had a ton of fun and then helped me clean up when he was done playing, which got the floors cleaned up! I love when you can turn playtime into "clean time". There where alot more activity ideas that I am going to have to try in the future!
Monday, March 21, 2011
Oh, oh It's Magic
Thursday, March 17, 2011
The Park on St. Patty's Day
Jason and I took the boys to Love park today, it's a great park because hardly anyone goes there and Randy can pretty much have free reign of the place! It has great places to "adventure". Randy found plenty of acorns, bottle caps and sticks to collect. He and Robert were both able to enjoy the playground as well. It gives me such joy to watch my babies play and enjoy the great outdoors. I am really looking forward to more warm spring days, so I can play outside with the kiddos. Today was truly a blessing to go to the park and have the boys get to play with their daddy.
Check out all the fun we had today!
Spring cleaning
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Tornado Randy, Hurricane Robert
Today Robert ate another large bowl of his oatmeal and wanted more! He also downed a 6oz bottle; looks like he is really over the hump with his RSV. He didn't sleep through the whole night last night but it wasn't because of his cough it was because he was a very hungry boy! I would definitely rather be getting up because he is hungry then not feeling good. Robert so far this morning has been enjoying bouncing around in his jumper to the music, it really cute he is actually doing a pretty good job keeping beat!
Randy has also really been enjoy the toons, he likes to grab Roberts hand and swing it back and forth with the rhythm. He loves to dance with brother. He also likes grabbing his stuffed toys and spinning around the play room with them. His other favorite thing today is racing his toy wined up cars against each other. Racing cars is a more regular occurrence...he seriously loves toy cars. Typical boy!
I unfortunately have to work this evening. I only work twice a week but every time I dread leaving my boys; I am afraid I'll miss something. I love too "party" with my boys, I mean we seriously have so much fun goofing around and even though its daddy that has them while I am working I get a little jealous :) Oh well Daddy needs so good quality time with his boys too I suppose!
PS my son Randy keeps giving me kisses! Could life get any better? I love my boys!!!!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Attempting to blog
I have never really blogged before, I have journal-ed a little but that is it. I want to start documenting everything, or at least the most memorable moments. I have two little boys so life goes by fast and I don't want to forget anything.
Today my five month old Robert ate organic oatmeal and bananas and for the first time he liked it! I mean I have been trying to feed him since he was four months and we got the ok from the doc. He hasn't wanted anything to do with eating; that is until today, Robert devoured the oatmeal, I mean he was grabbing the spoon from my hand and shoving it in his mouth! Finally a success, I am so excited but a little reminisce at the same time because eating solids is a sign of growing up. I just want to freeze time and keep both of my boys babies, at least for a little longer!
Also my family has all had RSV for the past couple of weeks and I have pretty much been out of commission until the past couple of days. So my mother came over and took my 17 month old Randy with he to run errands so I could deep clean my house! I have never been so happy to clean. I went crazy, everything is clean now and I love it! I thought I was going to go mad because it was so overwhelmingly messy, all I can say is thank God for Grandmas who can entertain grandsons!